Location |
Sequence of Events |
Matt. |
Mark |
Luke |
John |
Saturday: Anointing by Mary [ Two different accounts? ] People came to see Jesus and Lazarus who was raised from the dead |
(26:6-13) Two more days then Passover (v.2) → Tue night |
(14:3-9) Passover two days away (v.1) → Tue night |
12:1-8,12 Six days before Passover (v.1) → Sat |
Jerusalem |
Sunday: Triumphant entry into Jerusalem
• People came for they heard the miracle of Lazarus |
21:1-11 cf. Zech. 9:9 |
11:1-11a (looked around at everything) |
19:29-44 (wept) |
12:12-19 People came because ... |
→ Bethany |
Sunday evening: Return to Bethany ZZZ |
11:11b |
→ Jerusalem |
Monday morning: Cursing of the barren fig tree |
21:18-19a Withers immediately |
11:12-14 |
Court of the Gentiles? |
Second cleansing of the Temple |
21:12-13 |
11:15-18 Prohibition to carry anything through the temple |
19:45-48 |
Greeks want to see Jesus + Voice from heaven Prediction: His death which would “draw ALL men” unto Himself |
12:20-36a |
Healing and teaching Outcome: Inspite of Jesus' miracles, the Jews continue in their unbelief. Yet many leaders believed but dared not confess their faith for fear of excommunication. |
21:14-16 |
( 12:37-43 ) cf. Isa. 53:1; 6:10 |
→ Bethany |
Monday evening: Return to Bethany ZZZ |
21:17 |
11:19 |
12:36b |
→ Jerusalem |
Tuesday morning: Barren fig tree found to be withered |
21:19b-23 |
11:20-26 |
of the Women |
Chief priests and elders: Challenge of Jesus’ authority for doing “these things” Answer: John’s baptism ... from heaven, or from men? PARABLES: (1) The Two Sons (2) The Wicked Farmers (3) The Marriage Feast of the King’s Son |
11:27-12:12 |
20:1-19 |
Contest of questions in front of the people Pharisees and Herodians: “Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar?” Sadducees: “In the levirate marriages who would be the woman’s husband after the resurrection?” A lawyer: “Which is the greatest commandment? JESUS: “Whose Son is the Messiah?” |
22:15-22 22:23-33 22:34-40
22:41-46 |
12:13-17 12:18-27 12:28-34
12:35-37a |
20:27-40 - 20:41-44 |
Seven woes of grief and anger: Denounces the Scribes and Pharisees publicly |
23:1-39 Do whatever they tell you but NOT what they do |
12:37b-40 |
20:45-47 |
Commends the poor widow’s gift of two mites In contrast to the gloom & doom of Israel’s leaders |
12:41-44 |
21:1-4 |
Jerusalem |
Predicts the Temple would be destroyed |
24:1-2 |
13:1-2 |
21:5-6 |
Mt of Olives |
Teaches about the end times PARABLES IN THE OLIVET DISCOURSE: (1) Budding Fig Tree (2) Watchful Owner & Wise Servant (3) Ten Virgins (4) The Talents (5) Sheep and Goats |
24:3-25:46 |
13:3-33 |
21:7-36 |
Tuesday night: Camps out in the Mt of Olives ZZZ |
(26:1-2) Predicts that He would be crucified after two days |
21:37-38 |
Palace of the High Priest, Jerusalem |
Plot to arrest and kill Jesus |
26:3-5 |
14:1-2 |
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