Number: Special Cases

No change in singular and plural forms
Singular Plural
aircraft aircraft
cannon cannon [ cannons ]
cod cod
deer deer
dozen dozen
fish fish [ fishes ]
salmon salmon
sheep sheep
swine swine
trout trout
Singular only; No plural forms

advice, baggage, clothing, copper, corn, cotton, equipment, furniture, gold, information, knowledge, luggage, machinery, molasses, money, news, poetry, scenery, silver, stationery, sugar, traffic, wheat
These are uncountable nouns.

Plural only; No singular forms

binoculars, cattle, clothes, drawers, dregs, gallows, glasses, measles, mumps, oats, pants, pincers, pliers, police, pyjamas, scales, scissors, shears, shorts, spectacles, tongs, trousers, tweezers
Many of these are instruments or tools made of two parts.