Personal and Possessive Pronouns

"Pronouns" stand for (pro-) nouns; they take the place of nouns. Here are some singular forms.

Subjective Case 1 Objective Case 2 Possessive Case As Adjectives 3
1st person
the person speaking
I me mine my
2nd person
the person spoken to
you you yours your
3rd person
the person spoken about
Male he him his his
Female she her hers her
Neuter it it - its

  1. Also known as "Nominative Case". These forms are used for subjects of verbs (i.e., the person/thing doing the action).

  2. The objective forms are used for objects of verbs (i.e., the person/thing receiving the action) or objects of prepositions.

  3. When used with nouns e.g., my head, your hat, etc

Without the use of pronouns,
we would say:

  • The clown is a girl.
  • The clown wears a hat.
  • A red belt goes around the hat.
  • The hat belongs to the clown.
  • The clown's hat
  • The clown's shirt has a big button.
  • The button is aqua in color.
Examples - Singular
Using pronouns, we would say:
The female clown would say:

Agreement with Antecedents

A pronoun refers to a noun and takes the place of that noun. Therefore, the pronoun must agree with that noun in Therefore, it is important that pronouns refer specifically to the nouns and be agreement in number and gender.

Plural Forms