"Wh-ever" Clauses

Clauses using "wh-ever" connectors e.g., whoever, whatever, whichever, wherever and whenever.
( "Whomever" and "whosoever" are seldom used in modern English. )

These words have meanings similar to
  1. no matter who/what/which/where/when

    Whoever comes to the door, don't open it!

  2. any person/thing/place/time

    • The boy asked, "Can I go wherever I want for the holiday?"
    • You can come whenever you like.

  3. the unknown person/thing

    Whatever is in the box is making a ticking sound.

  4. ignorance or uncertainty (... when used with the word "may")

    • She sent me a postcard from Ecalp-emos, wherever that may be.

  5. every time that (... for the word "whenever")

    • I visit my sister whenever I go the United States.

  6. at all (... for the word "whatever" when used after "any" or "no")

    • Don't you have any regrets whatever?

"Wh-ever" Clauses Quiz