Promises, Orders, Requests, Advice

  1. Promises, orders, requests, advice are often reported with a to-clause or
    object + a to-clause

    John to Mary: "I'll write."
    Mary reporting: He promised to write.

    Mary to Jack: "Go away!"
    Jean reporting: Mary told Jack to go away.

    John to Jack: "How do I get to the train station?"
    John reporting: I asked him how to get to the train station.

  2. Requests for objects are reported with ask + for + object

    Customer to waiter: "May I have a glass of water?"
    Waiter reporting: He asked for a glass of water.

  3. Suggestions are reported with a that-clause.

    Jack to John: Why don't you ask her out?
    John reporting to Tim: Jack suggested that I ask her out.