    Questions & Answers

  1. In questions the subject comes after the verb. But in reported questions the subject normally comes before the verb.

    Jean to Mary: Where is Jack?
    Mary reporting: She wanted to know where Jack was where was Jack.

    Jean to Jack: What are you doing?
    Jack reporting: She wanted to know what I was doing what was I doing.

  2. The auxillary do or did is not used in reported questions (except in negative questions)

    Jean to Mary: Where does Jack live?
    Mary reporting to Jack: She wanted to know where do you live.

  3. Jack to John: Why didn't you ask her out?
    John reporting to Tim: Jack wanted to know why didn't I ask her out.

  4. Yes/no questions are reported with if or whether. The auxiliary verb do is not used.

    Jack to John: Do you like Mary?
    John reporting to Tim: Jack asked me if I liked Mary.

    Jack to John: Did you ask her out?
    John reporting to Tim: He wanted to know whether I asked Mary out.

Note: Question marks are NOT used in reported questions.