can and could

Can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will and would are modal verbs. They are used to express meaning of certainty or obligation and freedom to act.

Subject + modal + base form of second verb
can ability I can hop! Can you hop? present ability
Can I see you next Monday? future ability
possibility I think the computer can be repaired.

The computer can't be repaired.
Can't = cannot = not possible

cannot versus may not
permission - informal Can I play computer games? asking for permission

May is traditionally used for permission, can for ability, However, this distinction is fading. In asking permission, can is less formal than may.
Of course, you can play. giving permission
request - informal Can you get me a drink?
offer Can I carry your bags?
"present progressive" I can hear someone knocking on the door. Verbs of perception ( e.g., see, hear, feel, smell and taste ) or verbs that express a state of being or mental activity are not normally used in the progressive form. In place of the progressive form, we use modal + base form e.g., can hear ( or simply hear ) instead of hearing.
could ability

Could is not normally used to talk about real past achievements. Instead, verbs like was/were able, managed or succeeded (in ... ing) are used.

Example: Finally, we were able to could reach the summit of the mountain.

could versus be able to
I could run up Mount Faber when I was younger. past ability

Could used as a past tense of can.
I could understand what she said. Could used with verbs of perception and mental activity to talk about past ability for an occasion
present possibility Most accidents in the home could be prevented. logical possibility that something is happening or may be true
unrealized possibility

could have + past participle
He could have been the Chief Executive Officer if he had not resigned. Could have used to say that something might have happened but did not happen.
asking for permission
- polite or formal
Could I leave early today? Yes, you can could or No, you can't couldn't.

Could is not used for giving or refusing permission.
reporting permission
- already given
Mum said I could play computer games. Was/were allowed is used to report permission for one particular past action.

Example: Although I didn't finish my homework, I was allowed could to play computer games for an hour.
reported speech "Can I return the dress in a week's time?" asked Jean

Jean asked if she could return the dress next week.
Can is changed into could when the reporting verb is in the past tense.
request - polite or formal Could you get me another piece of cake?
suggestion If you got nothing to do, you could stack these books onto the shelves.
conditional If I had a million dollars, I could take my family for a holiday in Europe. Could is used in a conditional sense to mean would be able

  Difference between "could" and "be able to"
  In negative sentences ...