Science and Math
[ Arts ] [ General ] [ Science & Math ] [ Reading & Writing ]There are good resources out there on the Internet. The above are our broad categories which focus on the education of children. Each category is a hyperlink to a new document which will list the articles we have selected.
Each title is then followed by one or more paragraphs taken from the actual article itself. Hopefully these paragraphs will help you decide whether the articles are relevant to your needs and concerns.
- Doing Science with Your Children
You do not need to be an Einstein to value and use science. Most of us grew up believing that science is an organized collection of facts. However, science is better defined as a way of observing and thinking about the world, and communicating these thoughts to others. Experience and research show that young children are excited about science when they are given the chance to do science. To give your children a firm foundation in science they should be encouraged to think about and interact with the world around them. Concrete experiences that require the use of children's senses, such as planting and watching a seed germinate, provide a strong framework for abstract thinking later in life.
- Helping Your Child Learn Science
This book suggests ways you can interest your children from about 3 to 10 years old in science. It includes (1) Some basic information about science; (2) A sampling of activities for children to do -- some alone, some with supervision -- in both the home and the community; and (3) An Appendix with practical tips on how to encourage schools to develop good science programs, a brief description of nine scientific concepts, and a list of recommended science books and magazines.
- Conceptual Change among Students in Science
This ERIC Digest concerns the constructed knowledge (also called nave knowledge or prior conceptions) held by students and the changes required to alter students' framework to understand and believe the true science concepts involved. This process is called conceptual change. Theoretical framework of conceptual change, what exactly is conceptual change, and implications for classroom practice are discussed. Web resources are also provided.
- Problem-Based Learning in Science
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) describes a learning environment in which problems drive the learning; that is, learning begins with a problem to be solved and the problem is posed in such a way that students need to gain new knowledge before they can solve it. This ERIC Digest discusses many aspects of PBL including a brief history, implementing PBL, modifying traditional instructional approaches to include PBL, and web resources.
- Problem-Based Learning in Mathematics
This ERIC Digest discusses many aspects of PBL including PBL and problem solving, PBL and constructivism, student understanding in PBL environments, and teacher roles in the PBL environment.
- Doing Mathematics with Your Child
This digest presents resources that will enable parents to fulfill their responsibility for developing their children's abilities to do mathematics, while at the same time encouraging more positive attitudes toward mathematics. The resources are divided into three areas: (1) activities initiated in the home; (2) activities initiated at school; and (3) special curriculum development projects that promote parent involvement.
- Attending to Learning Styles in Mathematics and Science Classrooms
This digest features a review of learning styles research with a focus on the Dunn model of learning styles which delineates five types of stimuli: (1) environmental; (2) emotional; (3) sociological; (4) physical; and (5) psychological. Issues related to practical applications of the Dunn model to mathematics and science education, learning styles, and educational reform are discussed.
- Constructivist Views of Learning in Science and Mathematics
Many educators may or may not be familiar with the term constructivism, but probably recognize it as something to do with learning. The main tenet of constructivist learning is that people construct their own understanding of the world and in turn, their own knowledge. This ERIC Digest examines the constructivist view of learning and how it affects teaching, classroom practices, and student classroom behavior.
- Helping Your Child Learn Math
(with activities for children aged 5 through 13)This book is divided into introductory material that explains the basic principles behind the current approach to math, sections on activities you can do with your children, and lists of resources. The activities take place in three locations: the home, the grocery store, and in transit. The activities are arranged at increasingly harder levels of difficulty. Look for the circles, squares, and triangles that indicate the level of difficulty. The activities you choose and the level of difficulty really depend on your child's ability; if your child seems ready, you might want to go straight to the most difficult ones.
- Math and the Myth of 1,2,3
My preschooler can count twice as high as your preschooler -- but does that mean she really understands more about math? In truth, she has merely memorized a sequence of words. Although children can't learn math unless they know how to count, counting is only one aspect of math.
- Math Opens Doors ... And It's Fun Too!
Everybody needs good mathematics skills. We use math when we cook, shop, or measure a space for a rug. We need math to understand taxes and health costs. We need math in most jobs. Everybody can learn math with support, encouragement, good materials, and instruction. But math also can be taught in a way that is fun!
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