P4 streaming
prior to end 2004

At the end of Primary 4, students are placed into three streams (EM1, EM2 or EM3) according to their language abilities. The rationale is to allow children to progress at their own abilities so that they can complete primary education successfully. The streaming system provides differentiated curricula best suited to the children.

The high-ability children are allowed to take an additional subject which is Higher Mother Tongue. The low-ability children will take Mother Tongue at basic proficiency level. The majority of the students will take Mother Tongue as a second language.

Streaming is a controversial issue. Does a child benefit when he is taught together with others of similar abilities? If he is taught together with others of widely differing abilities, will he be bored, discouraged or challenged? Is it too early to stream children at Primary 4? What impact does streaming have on the self esteem and confidence of a child who is placed in EM3? Whatever your position on streaming, the following flowchart seeks to help you understand the progression paths from Primary 4 to 6.

Horizontal Rule of Footprints - A Play on the words, Progression Paths

Streaming at the end of Primary 4
to allow a pupil to study a course that he is able to cope and excel.
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down

  • Pupils are streamed according to their results
    in English, Mother Tongue and Math.

    Results in Science are NOT included.

  • Results are based on semestral assessments:
    SA 1 (30%) and SA 2 (70%).

    Continual assessments (CA) are NOT included in the overall results.

Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down

Band 1
(85 - 100%)
in all 3 subjects
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Will be offered
EM 1

Both English
& Mother Tongue
as 1st language

Band 3
(50 - 69%) or better
in any 2 subjects
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Will be offered
EM 2

English as 1st language
& Mother Tongue
as 2nd language

Band 4
(below 50%)
in any 2 or 3 subjects
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Will be offered
EM 3

English as 1st language;
Mother Tongue & Math,
both with modified syllabi

Arrow Pointing UpArrow Pointing Up
Arrow Pointing UpArrow Pointing Up

For streaming from Primary 4 to 5, parents have a choice.
You can accept the assigned stream OR choose a different stream.
The decision should be based on your honest assessment of
your child's capacity to cope and ability to excel.

"In primary schools we will relax the criteria for allowing pupils to take HCL (Higher Chinese Language). They can do so provided at Primary 4 streaming they score Band 1 in CL (Chinese Language), and at least Band 2 in English and Mathematics."

Source: Ministerial Statement by BG Lee on Chinese Language in Schools, 20 Jan 1999

From Year 2000: Pupils who attained Band 1 in 2 subjects (one of which must be Mother Tongue) and Band 2 in the third subject will be invited to opt for EM1 stream.

From end 2004: The distinction between the EM1 and EM2 streams will be removed. Schools will have the autonomy to decide on how best to band their pupils by ability, in ways that add the most educational value.       >> More info

Horizontal Rule

Progression from Primary 5 to 6

Pri. 5 EM 1
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Minimum Results
Reqd to Go On to
Pri. 6 EM 1

English & MT: Band 2
Higher MT: Band 3
Math & Science: Band 3

Pri. 5 EM 2
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Minimum Results
Reqd to Go On to
Pri. 6 EM 2

At least a Band 3
in any 2 subjects:
changed to 1 subject
from Year 2000
Pri. 5 EM 3
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Pri. 6 EM 3

Arrow Pointing UpArrow Pointing Up
Arrow Pointing UpArrow Pointing Up
For streaming from Primary 5 to 6,
parents do NOT have a choice.
The pupil's overall performance in CA and SA will determine
whether he or she remains in the assigned or chosen stream.

Pupils who did not obtain Band 3 or better in at least one subject
will be transferred laterally to Pri. 6 EM3.

Brought to you by "Parenting the Next Generation"
Horizontal Rule

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If you have comments or suggestions, Email email me at vta_alan@hotmail.com