At the end of Primary 4,
students are placed into three streams (EM1, EM2 or EM3) according to their language
abilities. The rationale is to allow children to progress at their
own abilities so that they can complete primary education
successfully. The streaming system provides differentiated
curricula best suited to the children.
The high-ability children are allowed to take an additional
subject which is Higher Mother Tongue. The low-ability children
will take Mother Tongue at basic proficiency level. The majority of
the students will take Mother Tongue as a second
Streaming is a controversial issue. Does a child
benefit when he is taught together with others of similar
abilities? If he is taught together with others of widely differing
abilities, will he be bored, discouraged or challenged? Is it too
early to stream children at Primary 4? What impact does streaming
have on the self esteem and
confidence of a child who is placed in EM3? Whatever your
position on streaming, the following flowchart seeks to help you
understand the progression paths from Primary 4 to