In a wheelchair
Group members: Jessie, Javier, Yun Teng and Si Yu
Boy sitting in a wheelchair Butterfly flapping wingsSitting in a wheelchair, sad as can be. I had a little butterfly on my nose. I touched the butterfly and it flew away. I rolled the wheelchair and chased after the butterfly.
I rolled the wheelchair a bit too fast. Then I felt scared because the wheelchair was going too fast. I wanted to stop the wheelchair but I was afraid that when it stopped, I would fly out of the wheelchair.

Luckily, a nurse came to help me stop the wheelchair. Then she told me not to roll the wheelchair too fast. I said, "OK! I will remember that." The nurse just smiled at me.

The CD-ROM "Sitting on the Farm" was used as a tuning-in stimulus
for this creative writing exercise done through cooperative groupwork - Primary 2/6.

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