on Education of Children

There is a wealth of good resources out there on the Internet.
Here are my selection of articles which focuses on the education of children.

Hot Links to Articles
- Doing
Science with Your Children …
Peter Rillero provides general guidelines on how parents can promote science
to their children. One key idea is to provide hands-on experiences which
can then be used as a springboard for discussion to develop process skills
and enthusiasm for science.
- Helping
Your Child Learn Science …
This book suggests ways that parents can interest their children (ages
3 - 10) in science. Parents are encouraged to capitalise on their children's
natural curiosity by taking time to observe and learn with their children.
It contains sample activities that parents can do with children and activities
that children can do by themselves. There is also a list of recommended
science books and magazines.
- Helping
Your Child Learn Math …
This booklet shows the necessity of mathematics in everyday life and encourages
parents to develop a positive attitude towards Math. It is divided into
three sections (1) an introduction that explains the principles behind
the problem-solving approach to Math
(2) activities that you can do with your children and (3) a list of resources.
Reading and Writing
- Help
Your Child Learn to Write Well …
article talks about what writing is and what writing well requires. It
gives some creative ideas on how parents can help their children get started
in writing through writing letters to relatives, taking notes on outings,
keeping journals, playing word games, making lists and copying songs or
- How
Can I Improve My Child's Reading …
article deals with what parents can do to help preschoolers learn to read
and how they can help elementary school children who don't like to read.
Some suggestions include being a role model in reading and encouraging
activities that require reading e.g., cooking with a recipe or constructing
a kite with how-to instructions.
- From
Words to Stories … An excellent article that suggests
ways to prepare preschoolers to write through reading aloud to them and
writing down stories as your child tells them. The article goes on to describe
creative ways to encourage elementary school children to write.
The Arts
- Your
Child and the Visual Arts …
This article talks about how art education -- appreciation
courses, hands-on art classes, visits to museums and parent-assisted activities
can help children develop their own creative skills as well as understand
the artistic work of others. Parents are encouraged to keep children's
interest in art alive by praising their creative efforts instead of criticizing.
- The
Theater and Children …
This article is about the benefits that result when children attend theater
and when they participate in creative drama. In their world of make-beleive,
children naturally engage in activities they see around them by putting
themselves in the place of others. Dramatic play involves the mind, body
and imagination and is essential to a child's wholesome development.
- How
Important Is Homework … Homework is useful to
reinforce newly acquired skills as well as to enable students to get prepared
for activities that will occur in the classroom. Helping children with
homework contributes to an increase in family involvement in children's
- Helping
Your Child With Homework … This article tells
why homework is important and how parents can get involved . A list on
the advantages of homework is given. Homework can help children develop
good habits and attitudes, teach children to work independently, encourage
self-discipline and responsibility.

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