PRIMARY SCIENCE SYLLABUS:    Diversity  |  Cycles  |  Systems  |  Interactions  |  ENERGY
This is my attempt to match the 2008 Primary Science syllabus of the Ministry of Education, Singapore with online resources
... internal links (+ similar and/or complementary resources) are in the left column and external links on the right.
Recognise that an object can be seen when it reflects light or when it is a source of light. Light and Dark (BBC KS2) - Activity | Revision
Reflections at a plane mirror (NGfL KS3)
Calgary Academy - Interaction with different materials
Under different colours of light (FOSSweb)
Recognise that a shadow is formed when light is completely or partially blocked by an object. NGfL KS2 - Shadows
Harcourt G3 - Shadows throughout the Day
Calgary Academy - Angle of the light source
Light and Shadows (BBC KS2) - Activity | Revision

Shadow Games (Lesson Plan)
List some common sources of heat.
Houghton Mifflin G2 - Sources of Heat
State that the temperature of an object is a measurement of its degree of hotness.
Differentiate between heat and temperature.
  • heat is a form of energy
  • temperature is a measurement of the degree of hotness of an object
  • Houghton Mifflin G3 - How a Thermometer Works
    A Simple Thermometer Lesson
    BBC KS3 - Temperature & heat
    Show an understanding that heat flows from a hotter to a colder object until both reach the same temperature.
    Relate the change in temperature of an object to the gain or loss of heat by the object.
    List some effects of heat gain/loss in our everyday life.
  • contraction / expansion of objects
  • change in state of matter

  • Contraction or expansion - Mysteries of Science
    Change in state of matter - Heat Flow
    Identify good and bad conductors of heat.
  • good conductors: metals
  • bad conductors: wood, plastic, air
  • Recognise that energy is required to make things work or move. What energy is, how it is stored, transferred & used
    State that living things need energy to carry out life processes.
    Recognise that the Sun is our primary source of light and heat energy. BrainPOP Movie at National Geographic - The Sun
    Show an understanding that FOOD PRODUCED BY PLANTS becomes the source of energy for animals. Flow of energy & matter in an ecosystem
    Differentiate the ways in which plants and animals obtain their food. NGfL KS3 - Process of & Requirements for Photosynthesis
    Energy flow from plants to animals & decomposers
    Recognise that energy from most of our energy resources is derived in some ways from the Sun. Energy from the Sun
    Renewable & non-renewable energy sources
    Recognise and give examples of the various forms of energy.
  • kinetic energy
  • potential energy
  • light energy
  • electrical energy
  • sound energy
  • heat energy
  • FAQs about energy
    BBC KS3 - Energy basics
    Types of Energy (Activity)

    Forms of Energy
  • BrainPOP Movie
  • Resources compiled in July 2008 by Alan S.L. Wong
    SCIENCE CROSSWORD PUZZLES   |   PRIMARY SCIENCE SYLLABUS:    Diversity  |  Cycles  |  Systems  |  Interactions  |  ENERGY

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