Buildings, skyscrapers reaching out to the skies
What cause them to stand tall?
Hidden from eyes lie their foundations.
But where did the foundations come from?
Architects, builders, reaching out to the skies
Who gives them the creativity
To be able to build such great structures?
Hidden from eyes stands their Creator.
Buildings, skyscrapers reaching out to the skies
Yet the tallest could not touch the abode of God.
Look up, look beyond the buildings to the heavens
And see with eyes of faith, the Creator.
Churches, the Body reaching out to the world
Who gives them the vision and vitality?
Hidden from eyes lies their Foundation.
Evangelists, pastor-teachers reaching out to the world
Yet the most gifted could do nothing of himself.
Look up, look beyond the personalities
And see with eyes of faith, the Corner Stone
Jesus Christ the Lord.