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Sources of Knowledge

There is a division of things which are biblical, non-biblical and worldly. But a vague definition and distinction among them especially between the last two can create lots of unnecessary arguments and strife in the body of Christ.

The following is a general guideline I use to evaluate knowledge that comes my way and whether to use them. I call this a general guideline because there are many areas of knowledge and I do not have a deep understanding of all. This is a draft in the sense that I'm trying to crystallise my thinking; and I welcome your comments.

I divide all knowledge into two broad categories: biblical and non-biblical.

  1. BIBLICAL - taught and advocated in the Bible
  2. NON-BIBLICAL - not found in the Bible
  3. NEUTRAL - not found in the Bible and not opposed to the teachings of the Bible
  4. UNBIBLICAL - opposed to the teachings in the Bible; anti-biblical; worldly  
I define the world as the system of evil spirits (Eph 6:12) and unbelievers (Eph 2:1-2) under the control of Satan (1 John 5:19) with values and beliefs that are contrary to the Word of God (1 John 2:16).

I've read books and articles in which the authors, in their attempt to find biblical support for "neutral" knowledge, ended up twisting Scriptures to say what they did not. Is there a need to find biblical justification for all things? All truth is God's truth ... even if it is not revealed in the Scriptures but uncovered by man. If it is true then we should not be hesitant to embrace it.

The key question to answer "Is the knowledge un-biblical or worldly?" If so, have nothing to do with it.

© 2005 by Alan S.L. Wong