Interactive Fun Puzzles

Click and drag the matchsticks (or numbers or puzzle pieces) to solve these online puzzles. Please note that there may be more than one solution to each puzzle. These logic games challenge your mind; if you really have difficulties solving the puzzles ... don't get mad, get help. But nothing beats solving these brain teasers by your own efforts. You may even discover a new solution to a puzzle. Have fun!

Level One - Games Level Two - Games
  • Counting Fishes ... hand-eye coordination + numbers 1-5

    ... associate a certain quantity of fishes to a spoken numeral (1-5).

  • Mixed-Up Puzzles ... clicking + visual discrimination

    ... four 16-piece puzzles waiting to be unraveled with sound effects. Total size of all associated files is about 200 KB but well worth a visit.

  • Sorting Puzzles... dragging + visual discrimination + logical thinking.

    Five puzzles arranged from easy to difficult. The third puzzle has more than one correct answer and the last two puzzles are tricky!

    Sort 1  |   Sort 2  |   Sort 3  |   Attr 1  |   Attr 2

  • Origami Animals ... dragging + visual discrimination + creativity

    ... assemble parts of origami animals into a whole or create your own mythical creature. These puzzles are arranged from easy to hard:

    a bird  |   a horse  |   a dog

  • Sliding Tile Puzzles New... are you baffled by sliding puzzles? Try these and more ...

    butterfly   |   frog   |   White House

  • Upside-Down Glasses ... solution hidden in the asterisk

  • Doggy Turnaround ... solution hidden in the asterisk

  • Angel Fish Turnaround ... one solution is hidden in the asterisk

  • Stick-Square Puzzles ... 7 stick puzzles waiting to be solved; solutions are hidden in the asterisk

  • More Stick Squares ... 4 more stick puzzles to sprain your brain! Solutions are hidden in the asterisk.

  • Stick-Triangle Puzzles ... 13 new challenging stick puzzles. Solutions are hidden in the asterisk.

  • 3x3 Magic Square ... the numbers (1-9) in the rows, columns and diagonals all add up to 15. Self-checking.

    Step-by-step method of solving magic squares is provided in a hidden link.

    For a greater challenge, try 5x5 Magic Square

  • More Thinking Games ... play against different opponents (yourself, the computer or a friend). Games include Battleship (with sound effects), Othello, Mastermind, Connect 4, Connect-the-dots, Rush Hour and more.

Gift Cards ~ River Crossing Puzzles ~

Gift Cards

Web This site
  • Level One * ... Help a man with a wolf, a goat and carrots cross a river in a boat without anything being eaten.

    How to play: Click on the man to put him on the boat because he is the only one able to operate the boat. Then click on one of the remaining three characters to put it on/off the boat. Click the boat to move the boat.

  • Level Two * ... Help four robots to cross a river in the smallest number of crossings (7). Maximum load is either one big robot or two small robots. You need at least one robot (either small or big) in the boat to operate it.

  • Level Three ... Either I'm a dummy or the logic of the game programming is crummy

  • Level Four * ... Help five Scouts to cross a river in the smallest number of crossings (9). Maximum load is either one Explorer Scout or two Beaver Scouts. You need at least one Scout in the boat to operate it.

matchstick puzzles
Interactive Fun Puzzles for Kids
Brought to you by "Parenting the Next Generation"

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