Parenting the Next Generation

Dedicated to help Christian parents of young children in their task and challenge of parenting. Contents include Christian parenting articles, answers to parenting questions, dramatised family devotions, educational shareware, interactive math and matchstick puzzles, children's stories, award-winning interactive assessment worksheets and homeschooling resources.

Table of Contents

  • Interactive Assessment Worksheets + FOOD CHAINS CARD GAME
    ... Math, Science and English worksheets for students in Primary 4-6 plus interactive crossword puzzles on human body system

  • Interactive Fun Puzzles
    ... challenging logic puzzles and games e.g., "river crossing" puzzles, matchstick and math puzzles, jigsaw and slider puzzles and many others that your children can directly manipulate on the web page.

  • George Files
    ... an attempt to teach using the cartoon character George as the starting point

  • LESOL (Learning English for Speakers of Other Languages)
    LESOL is filled with vocabulary, spelling, grammar, comprehension exercises, games and more.

    + insideOut2 memory games

  • Stories for Children WORK WITH MOST BROWSERS!
    ... funny short stories with music, pictures, special effects and links to games

    + Fun Alphabet, Vocabulary & Spelling, Synonyms and Antonyms

  • Kid Pix Worksheets
    ... for preschoolers and kindergarteners are to be used (completed) with KidPix which is now available as abandonware. Even if you don't intend to use KidPix, take a look and get ideas to create your own paper-and-pen worksheets.

  • Alan's Gleanings MOBILE FRIENDLY PAGES
    ... a potpourri of gleanings from Alan's ministry including project management, leadership, disciplemaking, DISC profile system, brochure design, Sunday School, Lent devotions, teaching the Word of God, Kings of Israel and Judah, Chronology of the life of Christ

  • Alan's Reflections on Proverbs
    ... a posting of Alan's reflections on the Book of Proverbs. Only the first 10 chapters are available; more will be posted as and when they are ready.


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A Christian Parenting Web Site © Copyright by Alan S.L. Wong
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A (former) GeoCities Featured Page created by Alan and Hui Meng  
First published in September 1997; Paid for hosting since December 2002; Google Ads were added on July 9, 2003

AUTHOR INFO: Alan WONG worked for a management consultancy firm before joining Campus Crusade Asia Ltd (CCAL). He left CCAL as their Training Director. Alan then obtained a Master of Theology (with a major in Christian Education) from Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) and joined the East Asia School of Theology (EAST) as their Dean of Field Ministry. He had served in different capacities in parachurch organisations and churches. » read more

He then joined an information systems company providing computer educational services for preschool children at child-care centres and kindergartens. He had also conducted computer courses in primary and secondary schools. Alan was the content webmaster for an educational web portal. He now runs a business in PowerPoint and web design, educational content development as well as marketing Vox Proxy, a powerful scripting tool that adds 3D talking animated characters to PowerPoint. Alan has terminated his business w.e.f. 31 March 2011.

Alan is married to KOW Hui Meng. She has a Master of Arts in Christian Education from DTS. She was a trainer with CCAL and then the Principal of Queenstown Lutheran Church (QLC) Children Centre.

Subsequently, Hui Meng acquired [1] a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), [2] a Diploma in Departmental Management (DDM) from the National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore and [3] a Master of Education (English Language) from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Her latest achievement is [4] a Doctor of Education from the University of Western Australia (UWA); her research paper is on "Infusion of Critical Thinking across the English Language Curriculum" .

Previously, the Head of the English Language Department in a primary school, then a Senior Teacher serving as a mentor and role model to younger teachers, Hui Meng is now back in a primary school after a three-year posting at the Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST).

Both Alan and Hui Meng are members of Faith Methodist Church (FMC) in Singapore. They have two adult sons and four grandchildren.
Read My Years at Faith Methodist Church (1976-2016).