All the Best
You have 10 out of chances to win one of the
books. This odd excludes those who have submitted by
- All entries will be put in a hat or
whatever container I can find but I promise not to soil the
entries. My boys will pick five entries each ... under the watchful
eyes of my wife. Do you want me to blindfold the boys?
- The draw will take place somewhere
in Singapore and sometime on October 1, 1998.
- If you want a higher chance of
winning one of the prizes, keep this giveaway a secret ... tell no
one! But if you have enjoyed Parenting the Next
Generation, go tell your friends.
- If you want a sure win, then hope
that there will be no more than 10 entries for the whole month.
- Names of winners and their countries
of residence will be announced on this web site on October 2,
- Winners will also be contacted by
email by October 2, 1998. You must reply within three days with
your mailing address.
- The prize will be mailed out within
three days of reply. You have no choice but to trust me.
- Allow 2 - 3 weeks for receipt of
prize depending on where you are residing. Not responsible for
delay due to reasons beyond our control such as postal strikes.

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