Comments received from visitors ~ Words in italics are mine.

~ 1990's Comments ~

Excellent depth to the stories (found at Blessed to be a Blessing?) Keep up the good work ... a source of inspiration to many!

Merin Mathews from Dubai, UAE
May 16, 1999

I loved the stories and graphics! I can't wait for my girls to get home to show them! I even put your site in my favorites! Please keep up the wonderful work. It is hard to find good stories to teach our children! Thank You!

Wendy Fite from USA
February 10, 1999

(Navigation?) extremely efficient and easy to use. Useful links.

Neil Mitchell from Scarborough, England
January 11, 1999

I still haven't looked at the complete site yet, but I just wanted to say that I think you are very funny (referring to the First Anniversary's Giveaway?). I can't wait to read some more of this. I found your site through the AOL search engine. I was looking for Baby Contests, but I am glad that I found you.

Heather Albright from U.S.A.
September 22, 1998

Your article (To Work or Not to Work) seemed to recognize the conflict that many feel without condemning. I really appreciate your words and thoughts on the subject. Thank you!

Cheryl S. Gochis
September 10, 1998

I just found your web site and I thought it was wonderful! Especially the way you answered with scripture ... Again thank you for your web site and your ministry. God Bless.

Deanna Stephens
September 8, 1998

I really enjoyed your humor regarding the contest - I even called my wife in to read the results page (to the form submission) and YES! I do think your boys should be blind-folded! :)

Karl Bastian, The Kidologist
September 7, 1998

I simply stumbled upon your web site. I am so impressed with the content of your site, as well as the simplicity of its layout. I found the information very valuable for dealing with situations in my ministry. God bless you in your wonderful ministry!

Monte Martin from Indianapolis, U.S.A.
June 20, 1998

After a morning of looking for stories with my two children (ages 4 & 7) we found your page, they liked it best for stories that I read to them. I have bookmarked your page so we can read the rest of the stories that we didn't have time to read. We are looking forward to them and the new stories we are sure you will put out there. Just thought you would like to know. Thank you

T. Tremaine from Boise, Idaho
June 7, 1998

Your article (To Work or Not to Work) helps to crystalize the issues involved and further challenges one to stop and seek answers to help oneself discover their own path. Your pointed questions, if seriously considered, aid this process. Sometimes we need to have someone else bluntly ask questions of us, ones we would so easily reason away.

I encourage you to continue to write. You are truly blessed in your ability to provoke contemplation of issues in an exceptionally candid but unfettered manner.

Lisa Streib
February 14, 1998

Your web site has a wealth of information for parents in raising Christian children and in the area of education. I would like to highlight your site in my next e-mail newsletter.

Cheri Magrini
December 16, 1997

You have a site that is well organized and not overpowering.

Glenn J. Koster, Sr.
November 6, 1997

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